Thursday, April 23, 2009

Commander inspects construction tasks of Technological University (Hmawby)

Chairman ofYangon Division Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of YangonCommand Brig-Gen WinMyint and officialsconcerned went on aninspection tour ofTechnological University(Hmawby) that is underconstruction in HmawbyTownship, here, yesterdaymorning.First, theCommander inspects construction tasks ofTechnological University (Hmawby)commander and partyinspected construction tasksof extended Yangon-Pyayroad and designated placesfor the bus stops to be built.Upon arrival at theconstruction site of newthree-storey building for theuniversity, the rector of theuniversity and the projectmanager briefed thecommander on the workplan. Next, the commandergave necessary instructionsand inspected progress ofwork at the constructionsite.On arrival at themodel physic nut project inHmawby, the project inchargebriefed thecommander onaccomplishment of thetasks and future plans. Afterhearing the reports, thecommander attended to theneeds and inspectedprogress of work from theobservation viewingdeck.

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