Monday, May 25, 2009

For people to take good care of their health to become good citizens

Good health is an invaluable asset to humans, and fitness of the people is of the greatest benefit to the State as well.
Ministry of Health is striving for health and fitness of the people by setting two objects – ensuring the longevity of each and every citizen and ensuring the people to be free
from any disease.
Worldwide, more than 1.5 billion people are suffering from hypertension. A person needs to eat healthy food to be free from hypertension. Healthy food contains energy, protein and vitamins essential to the human body without much fat and salt.
By eating too salty, sweet and oily foods, a person can get obese and overweight, thereby suffering from hypertension. Having more cholesterol and sugar in blood than necessary can surely cause hypertension.
Being obese, overweight or paunchy is detrimental to one’s health. And an obese person
is likely to suffer from hypertension two to six times higher than a person with average weight.
Having a healthy, balanced diet and doing regular physical exercise are the best way to prevent against being obese and overweight.
Therefore, in order to live long and to be free from any disease, all the people are urged to eat wholesome food and take good care of their health contributing to their health. Only then, will they become the citizens who are physically and mentally fit and strong to serve the best interests of theState.

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