The government has laid down theobjective of uplifting health and educationstandards of the entire nation and isimplementing them. It also carries out publichealth development tasks in accord with theguideline of the National Health Committee.Myanmar Maternal andChildWelfareAssociation volunteers for improvement ofpublic health standards and State, Division,District Maternal and Child WelfareSupervisory Committees and over 300Township MCWAs are actively participatingin community-based health care services.In Myanmar there are over one millionpregnant women every year and thegovernment promotes its health care servicesfor mothers and newborn babies. Midwivesare being trained with the aim of having one
skilled midwife in every village. Moreover,courses on antenatal and newborn babies care
are being conducted for auxiliary midwives.Priority is being given to holding ofeducative talks on antenatal and post-natalcare, baby care under five, nutrition for motherand child and vaccination at health care centresin urban and rural areas.Measures relating to systematic healthcare services during pregnancy and before andafter birth, prevention of infectious diseasesthrough sex and reproductive health are beingtaken on a wide scale. Now, three-fourths ofpregnant women in Myanmar are under thesystematic care of well-trained health staff.It is necessary for members of MCWAand wellwishers to take part in communitybased
welfare services such as giving vitaminpills and additional food for nutrition while thegovernment is promoting maternal and childhealth care services nationwide.
Promote community-basedmaternal and child healthcare services nationwide.
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